8 Words You Absolutely Need To Avoid When Manifesting Things To Avoid While Manifesting Your manifestations are failing for a very straightforward cause, which you will discover in a few words! Most people are unaware of the fact that your manifesting language is crucial to the success of your manifestations, as there are certain words you must never use. To help you grasp the significance of your manifestation phrases, we will get right to the point in this blog post. When manifesting, you should absolutely refrain from utilizing the following words: 8 Words To Avoid Using When Manifesting Will Want Need If Wish Maybe Never Can Why are we saying this? Let’s go into more detail about each term you should not use to manifest: Will: “Can I use the word will when manifesting?” is a common question. The response, then, is no! Allow us to clarify: First of all, the word “will” is in the future tense! It announces that something will occur at a later time! This word will therefore only serve to drive your manifestation away in the future—a situation over which you have no control! Remember manifestations must take place in the present moment. You only exist in the present moment! Speaking of your manifestations in the current tense is so crucial! And to say even more that your manifestations have already come to pass! As a result, you are aware that employing the word “will” during manifestation is something you should absolutely avoid doing! Want Reality is that many people use the word want for their manifestations! However when saying that you want something, this is automatically interpreted by the Universe as you don’t have it! You vibrate in the frequency of scarcity, asking the Universe to deliver more of that! Now you wouldn’t want that right? You need to assume that your desire is already yours! So words and phrases similar to the word “want”, like “I demand”, “I require” etc must be avoided in manifesting. Need Furthermore, you shouldn’t feel as though you need something if you want to create what you need! Seems hard to comprehend? This is due to the fact that it is very contentious given our upbringing. But there’s no denying that the Law of Attraction operates in this manner. You must enter the final product’s state! You have to say and act as though your wish has already been granted, and express your thankfulness for it! Naturally, when manifesting, it’s best to avoid using the term “need”!! If The word if is another word that is blocking you from getting what you want. It holds a lot of doubt and resistance in it. Simply consider it. First of all, there are sentences that aren’t even close to being positive assertions. Take the statement, “If I work hard, I will get success,” as an example. Does this statement express your conviction that you will fulfill your desire? Naturally, no. Moreover, the word will, which is another derogatory term that you should refrain from utilizing during your manifestations, generally follows these sentences. Wish We assume that by now you are aware of the reasons why the term “wish” is detrimental to your manifestations. Because you are communicating to the universe that you lack something when you wish for it! It really is that easy. More of what we throw out into the universe is drawn to it! Thus, it will draw even more wishful thoughts! Likewise, phrases like “I would like”, “I should have”, “I hope to”, “I dream of”, “I desire” etc, they all send signals of scarcity and should be avoided while manifesting! Maybe Recall that you must speak as though your wish has already been fulfilled and have strong faith in order to actualize your desires! Like the word if, the word maybe carries a great deal of doubt and hinders your ability to create! You must understand that in order for the LOA to be effective for you, there can be no room for doubt and that statements that raise questions should be avoided. Similarly, you need to avoid using phrases like, “possibly”, “someday”, “kind of” etc. Never First of all, we don’t even know how the phrase “never could” fit into a declaration of positive manifestation. Do you not think it to be contentious? To put it another way, the term never contains negativity no matter how it is employed in a sentence. It puts you in a bad frame of mind, which hinders the success of your manifestations! The same goes with the word “not”. It gives out negative energy and it’s not helping your manifestations! What you should do is try and rephrase. For example, let’s say you want to manifest “I never quit”. It’s so much better to rephrase and affirm “I am successful. I am always trying my best”. Trust us transforming your affirmations into positive statements makes a huge difference. Can The word can, even though it has a positive meaning in general, it does nothing for your manifestations. Why ? Simply because it doesn’t put you in the state of the end result. For example if you are manifesting “ I can get X job”. You are letting the Universe know that you CAN get the job but not that you already have it! The word can, leaves space for uncertainty. You can get the job but again you might not get it right? So the word can, and similar words or phrases like “I am ready” should be avoided when manifesting! Why Negative Words Ruin Your Manifestation And Should Be Avoided Make no mistake about it. Using the wrong words while manifesting, will negatively affect the process, and interrupt your manifestation. Actually it could give you the absolute opposite results from those you’re trying to manifest! The good news is that this doesn’t have to be you. We’ve seen above, the words you need to avoid while manifesting.