How to Make a Decision With Confidence
How to Make a Decision With Confidence Decisions Decoded: Developing the Skill of Making Life’s Significant Decisions Do you find it di cult to make decisions? If you’re like the majority of people, you most likely have at some point. Previously, we used to struggle greatly with decision-making. Whether it was selecting what to eat for supper, what to watch on Netflix, or making more significant life decisions like quitting a bad relationship, a job we detested, or enrolling in a course. We would sit and consider our choice for hours, days, weeks, or even years, depending on what we were deciding on. Those are frequently the moments when one feels the most perplexed, uncertain, and anxious. It is mentally and emotionally draining to sit in uncertainty. Our entire self is impacted when we persist in harboring doubts about a choice we know we must make. our emotional, mental, and sometimes even bodily wellbeing, as well as our sanity. If you’ve ever had to make a significant decision, you are familiar with this emotion. The arguments, benefits and drawbacks, and “what ifs” Fear taking over your mind as soon as you start to consider making a change. The proverb “better the devil you know, than the devil you don’t” crosses my mind. I’m genuinely unsure if choosing to remain in your current circumstance is the better course of action or if taking a chance on something new, which would force you to step outside of your comfort zone. If you’ve experienced this, it’s okay. Humans are creatures of habit. We like to know what is coming. We like our routines and we like to feel safe. Even if we know in our hearts we need to make a change, often our desire to be comfortable overrides this and we just stay stuck. One of the best pieces of advice I was given by my Mom was that the decision you make is neither right or wrong. It was the decision that was best for you in that moment. If you are ready to start taking control of your life, owning that beautiful power within, then this is the article for you. Because becoming comfortable in making decisions for YOU is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself. Why Can’t I Make a Decision? Often being indecisive is due to a variety of reasons: Lack in trust in your intuition: deep down your heart usually knows the path you need to take, however you may not trust your intuition due to past experiences or not being connected to those gentle nudges our hearts give us. Lack of confidence in yourself: You may not believe you are capable of making the “right” decision for yourself. This comes from your own self-limiting beliefs and experiences. Toxic relationships, bullying, difficult childhoods, self esteem issues all contribute to the lens we view ourselves through. Fear of making the “wrong” decision: Often the fear of making the wrong decision is so strong in us that we never make the decision period. However there is no “wrong” decision. Whatever you decide was the BEST decision for YOU in that moment. You may not want to take responsibility: I know this sounds harsh. But I know this one because I did it for years. By making a decision for your life you are stepping into your power and owning whatever comes from it and it is scary AF. It is often easier to blame someone else for a decision when they made it versus taking ownership. However in reality, you not making a decision and letting someone else make a decision – is your decision. We are all adults and responsible for either making the decision or going along with a decision. Why You Need to Start Making Decisions Take the risk, give yourself the confidence you need, and act if your heart has been telling you for some time that you need to make a decision about anything in your life and you are feeling stuck or at a crossroads in your life. Making decisions in life can be frightening. There’s just no avoiding it. It helps to know that you are not alone and that if others have done it, then you can too, if you embrace this and realize that everyone experiences this. It is unhealthy to linger in that state of “should I or should I not” uncertainty. By making a decision you are empowering yourself. Owning your power within and beginning to create the life you desire. Taking you one more step closer to your dream life. You know you best and what you need in life. Do not let other people run your life. On your deathbed, do you want to look back and regret not making a decision- staying stuck, unhappy and unfulfilled? You do not want to be a prisoner of indecisiveness. Living in the uncertainty and stress of not making a decision is NOT living. Make a decision. Own your decision and I promise you will come out stronger, happier and in a place of peace than living in the tumultuous waters of indecisiveness. Tips to Help You Make a Big Life Decision Making 1. Start practicing making smaller decisionsDo you scroll through netflix for like 20 minutes before picking a movie? Or talk to your spouse for 30 minutes when trying to decide what to eat for dinner? Make a mental note that you will give yourself a certain amount of time 5-10 minutes for these smaller decisions and practice making them. Listening to what your gut/intuition says and just making the decision. Not overthinking, analyzing or stressing over it. This helps to build your confidence and start trusting your intuition to make bigger decisions.2. Don’t overthink EVERY scenarioIt is impossible to predict outcomes and often our minds are able to make up far more scary realities than what will happen. So often we immediately go to worst case scenarios and “what if’s” in our head. Instead of fretting over the
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