
How to Make a Decision With Confidence

How to Make a Decision With Confidence Decisions Decoded: Developing the Skill of Making Life’s Significant Decisions Do you find it di cult to make decisions? If you’re like the majority of people, you most likely have at some point. Previously, we used to struggle greatly with decision-making. Whether it was selecting what to eat for supper, what to watch on Netflix, or making more significant life decisions like quitting a bad relationship, a job we detested, or enrolling in a course. We would sit and consider our choice for hours, days, weeks, or even years, depending on what we were deciding on. Those are frequently the moments when one feels the most perplexed, uncertain, and anxious. It is mentally and emotionally draining to sit in uncertainty. Our entire self is impacted when we persist in harboring doubts about a choice we know we must make. our emotional, mental, and sometimes even bodily wellbeing, as well as our sanity. If you’ve ever had to make a significant decision, you are familiar with this emotion. The arguments, benefits and drawbacks, and “what ifs” Fear taking over your mind as soon as you start to consider making a change. The proverb “better the devil you know, than the devil you don’t” crosses my mind. I’m genuinely unsure if choosing to remain in your current circumstance is the better course of action or if taking a chance on something new, which would force you to step outside of your comfort zone. If you’ve experienced this, it’s okay. Humans are creatures of habit. We like to know what is coming. We like our routines and we like to feel safe. Even if we know in our hearts we need to make a change, often our desire to be comfortable overrides this and we just stay stuck. One of the best pieces of advice I was given by my Mom was that the decision you make is neither right or wrong. It was the decision that was best for you in that moment. If you are ready to start taking control of your life, owning that beautiful power within, then this is the article for you. Because becoming comfortable in making decisions for YOU is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself. Why Can’t I Make a Decision? Often being indecisive is due to a variety of reasons: Lack in trust in your intuition: deep down your heart usually knows the path you need to take, however you may not trust your intuition due to past experiences or not being connected to those gentle nudges our hearts give us. Lack of confidence in yourself: You may not believe you are capable of making the “right” decision for yourself. This comes from your own self-limiting beliefs and experiences. Toxic relationships, bullying, difficult childhoods, self esteem issues all contribute to the lens we view ourselves through. Fear of making the “wrong” decision: Often the fear of making the wrong decision is so strong in us that we never make the decision period. However there is no “wrong” decision. Whatever you decide was the BEST decision for YOU in that moment. You may not want to take responsibility: I know this sounds harsh. But I know this one because I did it for years. By making a decision for your life you are stepping into your power and owning whatever comes from it and it is scary AF. It is often easier to blame someone else for a decision when they made it versus taking ownership. However in reality, you not making a decision and letting someone else make a decision – is your decision. We are all adults and responsible for either making the decision or going along with a decision. Why You Need to Start Making Decisions Take the risk, give yourself the confidence you need, and act if your heart has been telling you for some time that you need to make a decision about anything in your life and you are feeling stuck or at a crossroads in your life. Making decisions in life can be frightening. There’s just no avoiding it. It helps to know that you are not alone and that if others have done it, then you can too, if you embrace this and realize that everyone experiences this. It is unhealthy to linger in that state of “should I or should I not” uncertainty. By making a decision you are empowering yourself. Owning your power within and beginning to create the life you desire. Taking you one more step closer to your dream life. You know you best and what you need in life. Do not let other people run your life. On your deathbed, do you want to look back and regret not making a decision- staying stuck, unhappy and unfulfilled? You do not want to be a prisoner of indecisiveness. Living in the uncertainty and stress of not making a decision is NOT living. Make a decision. Own your decision and I promise you will come out stronger, happier and in a place of peace than living in the tumultuous waters of indecisiveness. Tips to Help You Make a Big Life Decision Making 1. Start practicing making smaller decisionsDo you scroll through netflix for like 20 minutes before picking a movie? Or talk to your spouse for 30 minutes when trying to decide what to eat for dinner? Make a mental note that you will give yourself a certain amount of time 5-10 minutes for these smaller decisions and practice making them. Listening to what your gut/intuition says and just making the decision. Not overthinking, analyzing or stressing over it. This helps to build your confidence and start trusting your intuition to make bigger decisions.2. Don’t overthink EVERY scenarioIt is impossible to predict outcomes and often our minds are able to make up far more scary realities than what will happen.  So often we immediately go to worst case scenarios and “what if’s” in our head. Instead of fretting over the

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How To Manifest By Writing Things Down

How To Manifest By Writing Things Down Down: 3 Step Formula Have you ever made a sincere effort to create something, yet no matter what methods you employed, nothing materialized? Have you ever failed to draw something despite your best efforts, days of visualization, and persistence in your vision? Do you too want to know The Secret Book’s secret to living a dream life? It turns out that there is a reliable method for achieving your goals with just one easy formula! Actually, all you really need to know are three simple, tried-and-true procedures that will help you attract everything you desire in a hurry. And I’m going to walk you through the process of drafting a manifestation list, ingraining new beliefs into your subconscious, and practicing effective visualization in today’s post. At last, you will discover how to step back from your desired outcome and let it come to pass. Let’s get started if you’re prepared for a lesson that will change your life.   So What Actually Is Manifestation? Can It Actually work For You?   I have both bad and good news, though! Let me state this right away: Whether you believe in it or not, the Law of Attraction is constantly in effect. Manifestation is a “magic” process in which you direct all of your purpose and energy toward realizing a dream or ambition. And it does the trick! It does, in fact! It’s also enchanted! The term “manifest” has many various meanings, according to The Law of Attraction website, but the most basic definition is “something that is put into your physical reality through thought, feelings, and beliefs.” Just picture being able to make all of your dreams come true! to be able to use only your thoughts and energy to manifest someone or something SPECIAL into your life! It seems easy enough, don’t you think? False! It takes more than just thinking about your desires to be able to bring them into your life through manifestation and attraction. It requires vitality, emotions, and of course beliefs! Most people don’t succeed in attracting their desires because of this. Their views, emotions, and thinking are not in sync. In actuality, whether or not your notion materializes depends on your beliefs.   For example, intense attachment, strong beliefs, and a lack of faith can make it difficult to manifest some desires, like getting someone back into your life. Thankfully, I’m going to teach you a simple, tried-and-true approach today for writing down your goals and manifesting them! These are the exact 3 steps you need to follow to make manifestation work for you and attract everything you love into your life!   Keep Reading!    How to Manifest By Writing Things Down Step-By Step   Step 1: Write Down Your Manifestation List & Your Exact Beliefs on Those Goals – Clear your Mind  Goal Setting Okay, so it seems obvious that knowing what you want to manifest is necessary in order to materialize anything at all. Setting goals is crucial to our lives! It inspires us and offers our life purpose. I advise doing some self-work if you don’t feel like you have any ambitions in life. Self work is an important step into recognizing your strengths in order to develop them, & your weaknesses & vulnerabilities in order to improve them. Self work will connect you to your inner self & will guide you through finding your passion in life, your desires and goals.   Get a New Manifestation Journal I advise starting with a fresh notebook to use as your manifesting diary. That is why I prefer to keep it apart from any other journal I use. I really have three different journals: one for my money affirmations, one for my gratitude affirmations, and one for my self-love prompts! However, I use a unique one for my manifestations because it is just used to write about the things I want to come into my life. Keeping things apart serves as a significant mental trigger telling me that now is the right time to start my own business and live the life of my dreams. It excites me and inspires me to do the work necessary to realize my goals.   How to Write A Manifestation List Using your new manifestation journal, begin by listing all of your manifestations. Incorporate all of your aspirations and what makes you happy. But how are your manifestations written down? Let’s just begin by listing all of your life’s desires. What goals do you need to reach in order to feel satisfied with your life? Give yourself permission to jot down ideas and to document everything. Write down your goals, even if they seem too “big” for you. You owe it to yourself. Remember: there is no big or small for the universe! Anything is possible. You could even manifest something overnight by writing it down. Some manifestation examples could be attracting love into your life, buying a new house, loosing weight etc. By writing manifestations on paper immediately gives you a clearer picture of what you want from your life and helps you prioritize your desires.   Choose a Goal to Manifest Now that you’ve written down your manifestations, you can decide whether to begin by manifesting one objective at a time or several. To try the “how to manifest by writing things down” approach, I would begin with the one item that is most essential to me. But I’m just like that! It’s your choice what to do! In either case, be sure to adhere to the procedure exactly.   Write Your Goal and Beliefs About That Goal Down After you’ve set down your objective, go ahead and write your exact views about that particular goal right next to it. Let’s take an example where your objective is to attract love into your life. After reading this goal, jot down your thoughts and feelings. You may believe that I’m unworthy of love, that everyone I care about

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How to Attract Positive Energy from the Universe?

How to Attract Positive Energy from the Universe? How to Attract Positive Energy from the Universe? Are you feeling joyful, positive, self-assured, or hopeful? Your energy vibrations are the source of everything. On the other hand, your vibrational frequency is to fault if you are experiencing sadness, anxiety, fear, or illness once more. It is a well-known fact that everything in the universe is composed of energy, which vibrates at different frequencies. Positive energy is found in high vibrational frequencies. Your energy vibration frequency plays a significant role in determining your emotional state. Thus, the issue of how to handle low energy vibrations presents itself. Does it rise by itself ? Or is there anything we can do about it? Generally speaking, your energy doesn’t increase by itself. To reap the benefits of life, like mental clarity and optimal health, you must take proactive steps to boost your energy levels. To reach your full potential and lead a happy life, this is essential.   Let us see how to attract positive energy and raise your energy vibrations. Ways to attract positive energy in your daily life Have you ever noticed that certain people appear to exude joy, self-assurance, and optimism no matter where they go or who they hang out with?People that interact with them respond to them in a similarly favorable manner. They have the ability to make people cheerful, self-assured, and optimistic. Their optimism is referred to as “infectious.” The same is the case in certain situations, things, and events. The reason for their ‘infectious’ positivity is higher energy vibrations. They have learned how to attract positive energy into their lives from the Universe.A few small changes in your thoughts, demeanor, and style of living can help you too influence energy.Your energy will continue to plummet until it reaches the lowest point of a depression if you are surrounded by bad energy, stressed, anxious, or afraid of what might occur in the future. You must let go of the emotion, escape the negative cycle of conduct, and start living a positive new life. This is easier said than done for most people. Introverts have a hard time coming out of their shell and make drastic changes in their lives. Just take the first step by believing in yourself and accepting the need for a change. Here are 7 ways to be the energy you want to attract Keep your mind in check Your thoughts and feelings are vibrations of energy, just like everything else.Your life is affected negatively by every negative idea that goes through your head.You must first get control over your ideas and emotions in order to move toward positive. Mental control might not come easily. It follows erratic routes, much like a galloping horse. It can be controlled by making small, gradual progress. In this sense, regular meditation sessions have been proved to be beneficial. Remove yourself from harmful influences It’s possible that nothing you’ve done, said, or felt has anything to do with your low energy.The company you keep and the environment surrounding you could be external factors. You may not realize it, but these outside variables have a greater influence on you. Check the facts about these aspects of your life. Do not hesitate to take action if you feel that they are hurting you or draining your emotions. Our friends and family should lift us up, not put us under. Relationships should not be one-sided or pointless, but rather should benefit both parties. Your relationships with family and friends should uplift you rather than deplete it. Despite your best efforts, if there is no improvement in the situation, move away and cut ties with such people. You are doing a favor to all concerned. Realize your worth When something goes wrong, you could believe that it is your fault since you are powerless to stop it from happening and you are not powerful enough to set things right.That is incorrect in a lot of ways. Either you or everyone else is equally strong or weak. You can accomplish whatever objective you set your mind to. Just observe how your situation changes the instant you grasp this reality. Recognize your value and take ownership of your life. For you, it is just as lovely and amazing as it is for the prosperous individuals you encounter. Balance the energies Suppose you are trying your hardest to radiate positive energy, but all you end up doing is giving out bad energy.You have an imbalance of energy as a result. You must spread positive energy even more if you want to receive more. Goodness is drawn to positive things. This implies that you have to control your inclination to take offense. You should have the composure to remain optimistic and let the universe handle the rest, even when people are mistreating or being cruel to you. Make it your goal to put in a lot of effort at work, concentrate on assisting others as much as you can, and avoid negativity. You’ll soon find yourself full of good vibes if you can just adhere to these few guidelines.   Learn to forget and forgive Your life will not improve as long as you harbor unresolved grievances, no matter how justified they may be.Positive energy is being blocked by holding onto painful experiences. For the good energy to come your way, you must let go of them.If you choose to harbor resentment and bitterness instead of exacting retribution on those who first harmed you, you are doing yourself a disservice. To punish oneself twice is unfair. Learn to let go of your resentment and wrath. Observe how quickly positivity enriches your life.   Start your day on a positive note That will give you a great start to the day. Develop the mental habit of avoiding negative ideas as soon as you wake up.You may focus your thoughts in the appropriate direction by practicing meditation, repeating affirmations, or visualizing something. Manifest the energy you wish to

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Your Personal Energy

Your Personal Energy  The Ultimate Guide to Your Personal Energy   Ever heard of someone’s aura, personal energy field, or vibrational states, but decided it was too “woo-woo,” “hippy-dippy,” “new-age,” “pseudo-science,” or “spiritual” for them? What happened?Since the concept of personal energy seems to conjure up negative associations in our minds, a lot of us are ready to brush it off.People frequently want visual evidence before accepting the existence of anything. especially if you approach things with a more left-brained reasoning. Yet, science frequently has to catch up in an attempt to explain the incomprehensible as the world changes at an incredibly rapid pace. A paradigm shift is taking place in our world as more and more individuals discover there are problems with the Western medical model and are looking for a more holistic way to view their total wellness and health.especially the state of their minds. Personal energy and its effects on our environment are among the exciting research topics that are garnering increasing attention. You’ve come to the correct place if you want to take a more all-encompassing approach to improving your mental health, better control your emotions, and lead a happier, more fulfilled life. This is the definitive manual on your personal energy, complete with digestible, tangible explanations to assist you in determining whether or not to add this all-encompassing approach to self-care to your repertoire of personal development tools. What is Personal Energy?   To understand personal energy from a more scientific perspective, we need to delve a little deeper into 12th grade biology.Biologically, humans are simply made up of trillions of cells.Cells are the building blocks of all life. They create bones, muscles, tissues, skin, blood, hair, eyes, they make up everything in us. Science has shown: When you break down cells to their microscopic level, they are simply made of atoms.When you break an atom down, they are simply made of protons, electrons, neutrons, and quarks.When you break electrons, protons, neutrons and quarks down, they are simply vortices of energy moving at lightening speed like little ‘nano tornadoes’ of energy.In simplest form: Humans are made up of trillion of cells, cells are made from energy therefore we are all simply energy. Do Humans Have a Personal Energy Field?   Let’s break this down further. I want you to think of two people you know who fit into one of these categories.Person 1: You become heavy when you are around them. You’re not sure why, but being around them leaves you feeling depleted, worn out, and as like you’ve just fallen into a pit of despair and pessimism. You feel less upbeat, a little less cheerful, and possibly even depressed after speaking with them.To be honest, we are all familiar with at least one of these individuals.Whereas,Person 2: Being with them makes you feel energised, refreshed, and in control. Their presence is contagious; you feel instantly renewed, upbeat, and hopeful as warmth, connection, lightness, and love envelop you.Why does Person 2 uplift you while Person 1 drains you? This is a result of the energy that they are projecting into the world via their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors as well as via the way they see the world and themselves.This, my friends, is the pinnacle of human energy. How Do Humans Emit Personal Energy?   Our bodies are constantly giving off personal energy. The heart sends out an electromagnetic field of almost three feet from your body.This electromagnetic field is created internally from the emotions and thoughts we feel in our bodies and wraps around each one of us.That phrase, “you are in my personal bubble,” refers to the fact that when someone gets too close, you can actually feel as though they are in your personal energy bubble! To elaborate further, neurocardiologists—heart scientists—suggest that rather than the other way around, the brain is really controlled by the heart.Unbeknownst to most people, the heart communicates with the brain more often than the brain with the heart. What does this mean for you?Well, depending on what emotion or feeling your heart is sending up to your brain, will impact the different frequency or vibration you are giving off within your little personal energy bubble. What are Vibrations and Frequencies? You’ve heard the phrases “positive vibes”, “raise your vibration” or change your “frequencies”.Before your mind wanders down the path of a stereotypical image of a 1960’s ‘hippie’ spreading peace love and positive vibes – hear me out.Going back to the science.Quantum physics tells us when you break anything down to its microscopic foundation – it is energy. The thing about energy is that it is constantly in a state of vibration and these vibrations sendoff different frequencies depending on what is impacting the energy.When thinking about vibrations, let’s first consider sound vibrations.Think of classical music versus punk rock. An electric guitar versus a harp. These are all sound energy with very different frequencies. Better yet, think about a dog whistle. It sends off a frequency so high that humans’ senses cannot even pick it up, but the dogs can. Radio frequencies, cell phone frequencies, internet frequencies – these are just a few examples of vibrational frequencies which are all around us that we are totally unaware of.Energetic biology suggests humans also vibrate at different frequencies based on what is impacting their personal energy. Think about when your body is tense, in fear, and ready to react — it gives off a much different vibration than when your body is relaxed, present and calm. You can physically feel the different frequencies dependent on your emotional state. Vibrational States of Being   If you are in a place of guilt, shame or fear you are vibrating under 100, whereas when you are in a place of love and joy you are at 500. He suggests the lower frequency you are vibrating (under 200 to be exact) you are consuming energy, versus if you are at a higher level you are adding energy into the world. To put this

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What is meditation

What is meditation What is meditation and why is it good for you? What is meditation? A very loaded question, this. Contrary to popular belief, meditation isn’t something that you do. It’s a state being, a state of mind, or a state of consciousness. Through the practice of meditation we quieten the mind. The aim of meditation is not to suppress any thoughts, but to detach yourself from them, from their meaning, from their consequences. It is a state of being where we let go of our worries, plans and wishes. A space where we just watch our thoughts come and go. Meditation isn’t something that you do. But as soon as we sit down, the exact moment we sit down, all our demons surface (right??). Completely normal. No reason to run away! It is so easy to go along with our thoughts. Our mind will provide so many distractions, thoughts that are suddenly very important. It’s dangling some desired object in front of us, and we just have to chase it.   The secret of meditation The true secret of meditation is: you don’t have to chase it. Every time you get distracted, don’t beat yourself up about it. Realise what has happened. Be kind to yourself, don’t judge (judgment is a distraction in itself) and return to your practice. You can fix, plan, talk later. Now is the only way of being. The true secret of meditation is: you don’t have to chase. Through sitting with ourselves, getting used to being in our own company, we learn how to be kind to ourselves. We learn to be kind to others. We calm our body and our mind. We realise that we are in control, that we can choose to go back to the practice. And we may also realise that some things are out of our control.. and maybe we can find peace in that. You may think that meditation is not for you. That you are too nervous, can’t sit still, have too many thoughts twirling in your head. But actually it means you need meditation more! And I can assure you, there is a kind of meditation for you to ease you into the practice. And one day, even you will be able to just sit with yourself. Hang in there! Benefits of meditation Meditation has been well researched by now and has many proven benefits. The practice affects both our body and mind. The longer you do it, the longer lasting the effect is. Long term meditators have a different brain than other people! It is better to do one minute every day than to do one hour a week (just like any other type of exercise). Soon after you start practising, you might notice that you don’t get so angry anymore in traffic. Or that your anxiety has subsided. That you think less negative thoughts. Or all of the above! Benefits for the mind On a mental level, meditation: teaches you to be more kind and compassionate to yourself and others teaches you to relax into yourself improves awareness of your body and state of mind helps you accept yourself the way your are Benefits for the body On a physical level, meditation: reduces stress levels lowers blood pressure improves concentration and memory lowers pain or helps you deal with pain better decreases inflammation lowers anxiety improves sleep lowers depression   You can see how all these factors interrelate. If you have less stress, you will have better sleep; better sleep leads to being able to tackle life’s challenges in a more positive way. And that again improves your stress levels and anxiety. It is your choice in which direction you hop on the vicious circle. It doesn’t have to be ‘vicious’…

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15 Ways to Be Mindful During Daily Activities

15 Ways to Be Mindful During Daily Activities 15 Ways to Be Mindful During Daily Activities 1. Waking up/during your morning routine You can be mindful while brushing your teeth, getting dressed, or any other part of your morning routine. Incorporating mindfulness into a proven productivity hack like making your bed for double the benefits! Pay attention to each part of your morning activity.If it’s brushing your teeth, notice the texture of your toothbrush, the way the water sounds coming out of the faucet, the sensation of the toothpaste bubbles in your mouth, etc. 2. Showering Hydrotherapy is a powerful stress-reduction tool. Water has a way of cleansing and healing not only the body, but also the mind. While taking a shower, pay attention to the temperature of the water, the sound itmakes, how it feels cascading over your body. I like to do a little meditation – if you’d like, you can incorporate this as well. As you focus on your breathing, simply imagine all your worries rinsing off of youand going down the drain with the water. Taking a bath is another great way to incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine. Drop a bath bomb in for added skin and stress reduction benefits … just make sure it’s not one of the commercial ones that have any number of thousands of toxic ingredients. 3. Exercising/Doing yoga This might be one of the best places to start because we are naturally more in the moment during exercise. It’s kind of hard to focus on other things when you’re exerting yourself physically.I personally love yoga because it allows me to focus on my body and my breath. It’s the perfect opportunity to incorporate mindfulness! Do a body scan, focus on each area of your body and notice how they feel. See which areas need extra attention – be present and listen to your body. 4. Eating/Drinking Mindful eating has helped me to stay healthy and not overeat. You might be surprised how much fuller and more satisfied you feel when you slow down and pay attention to what you are eating. Really enjoy the food – notice the smell, the texture, the taste. Take your time chewing, really let it be an experience. If you make coffee or tea, that ritual is another wonderful opportunity to incorporate mindfulness into your everyday life. 5. Waiting in line/in traffic Do you get frustrated when you have to wait in line or when you’re stopped in traffic? Instead of wallowing in the aggravation, take a step back and remember to bemindful. Observe without judgment. It always helps me to calm down in stressful situations. That simple moment of mindfulness is grounding and helps me keep to things in perspective 6. Doing breathing exercises Breathing exercises help so much when it comes to stress and anxiety. Deep, controlled breathing sends a signal to your parasympathetic nervous system and basically tells your body to calm down. Your heart rate slows, your blood pressure lowers, your anxiety lessens. Why not let your mind calm down too during this time? Just let everything go and focus on your breath. 7. Spending time with animals For a shining example of mindfulness, look no further than your furry friend. Animals naturally live in the moment. They do not dwell on the past or worryabout the future – not the way we do. They truly live in the present and we can learn a lot from them about being present. So, try incorporating mindfulness into the time you spend with your pet. When you are feeding them, brushing them, petting them, playing with them – be mindful. 8. Gardening Another activity that goes hand in hand with mindfulness is gardening. Most gardeners probably already practice mindfulness whether they realize it or not! The mental health benefits of gardening are well-established. If you experience anxiety or you feel stressed out/overwhelmed with life, give gardening a try. Not only is it a great way to incorporate mindfulness into your everyday life, but it also helps counteract the negative health effects of the modern world. (No garden? No problem! Be mindful while you water/trim your houseplants). 9. Be mindful while cooking I love to cook and it’s something I do every single day. Cooking is a wonderful opportunity to infuse a little mindfulness into your day. Be mindful when washing, cutting, and mixing your ingredients. Pay attention to the aroma of the food and the changes happening while it’s cooking. Cooking mindfully helps you to appreciate food more and can actually improve your digestion. 10. Cleaning/washing dishes/doing laundry   Cleaning is something that must be done regularly, so it’s great for everyday mindfulness. Physical and mental clutter can spike anxiety and contribute to overwhelm, so keeping a clean and organized environment is important. Whenever you are cleaning/organizing your environment, you can be also clearing your mind by practicing mindfulness. *Also, try doing a brain dump. Here’s the article on how to do a brain dump + some free worksheets to help you. Try being mindful while sweeping, vacuuming, washing the dishes, folding laundry, taking out the trash, or any other routine cleaning tasks. 11. Mindfully listen while having a conversation Active listening is somewhat of a lost art. Attention spans are decreasing, distractions are multiplying, and face to face communication is almost extinct. The next time you’re having a conversation with someone, pay attention to what they are saying, they way they are saying it, their body language. Be fully present. Don’t check your phone or look around or daydream or think about what you’re going to say next. By mindfully listening, you’ll not only reap all the benefits of mindfulness we discussed earlier, you’ll also become a better communicator and a better friend. 12. Listening to music Music is a great tool for mindfulness. Instead of listening to music while you’re doing something else, try sitting stillbeing mindful. Listen to the music, let it fill you up. You’ll probably even notice

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What is Mindfulness

What is Mindfulness? What is Mindfulness? First of all, let’s discuss what mindfulness actually is.It might come across a little intimidating – at least it did to me at first. Kind of like meditation or yoga – it just sounds like an activity that’s exclusive tothose with some kind of special “insider” knowledge. Well, it’s not! Being mindful does not require any special skills or knowledge other than this:Anyone can do it, no matter what– including you. According to Oxford Dictionaries, mindfulness as, “a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment,while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodilysensations, used as a therapeutic technique.” Mindfulness is simply the state of being aware of the present moment.It is not the absence of all thought, but rather the acknowledgment of all thoughtswithout judgment. That’s it. It’s that simple. So simple it can actually be quite challenging, especially in the beginning. But it’sworth it – there are so many amazing, science-backed benefits of mindfulness! How Being Mindful Improves Your Life Have you ever walked into a room and forgot what you went in there for?That type of forgetfulness can be indicative of too much stress. When you’re overwhelmed, your brain can’t function well. It can’t remember whyyou went into the room, it’s too busy thinking of 5,864,001 other things! Being mindful helps us to be less forgetful. Because we are more present, we aremore aware of our thoughts and our environment, letting experiences fully imprinton our minds.Another benefit of mindfulness is that it helps us to focus on one thing at a time. When you’re being mindful, you’re not multi-tasking. You are letting your brain do what it is made to do – focus on one thing at a time. This in turn allows you to be more focused, efficient, and productive.Yet another amazing benefit of mindfulness is that it helps us gain emotionalintelligence. Being mindful teaches us to separate our emotions and understand that ourthoughts are not facts. This also helps when dealing with anxiety – which inherently involves worryingabout the past or the future. When we’re mindful, we’re not ruminating about the past or catastrophizing about the future. We’re focused on the now Other benefits of mindfulness include: Improved focus and concentration  Relationship satisfaction (due to improved communication and ability tomanage stress of conflict) Enhanced self-insight and intuition Increased immune system functioning Decreased symptoms of depression  Less fatigue  Improved self-esteem & body image  Increased resilience  Less anger, more patience Enhanced appreciation of simple things, leading to a fuller, richer life  Increased compassion & empathy- less judgmental towards ourselves andothers

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What is: Self-Regulation?

What is: Self-Regulation? What is: Self-Regulation? Self-regulation is the ability to manage your emotions, understand and adapt your behaviour in response to changing circumstances. Being aware of your energy level (and basic emotions) means being able to identify what external experiences and internal thoughts result in that specific state. The next step is to choose strategies that will help you adjust your energy level for the most effective response. In real life, this may look like saying something like “I’m losing it! I need to go for a walk and cool off.” If you take a brisk walk to calm yourself down, the rhythmic motion of your muscles and joints will use up some of the fight-or-flight chemicals that were flooding into your body. After your brain has processed this information, it tells the rest of your body that “the danger is over” and you are able to think clearly again. Energy self-awareness (arousal state)+Healthy coping strategiesSELF-REGULATION Self-regulation is an important precursor to emotional regulation.Self regulation gives you the space to then understand, evaluateand take action on what you are feeling in a conscious andeffective way. Four major types of self-regulation strategies are: Self-monitoring (also called self-assessment or self-recording) Self-instruction (also called self-talk) Goal-setting. Self-reinforcement. Examples of self-regulation strategies: Grounding – feel the weight of your body on your feet or sit bones and consciously connect with that gravitational pull. Slow your inner dialogue and physiology down Notice how fast you are feeling inside and consciously slow it down. Soften your forehead and eyes – imagine them widening and relaxing. Stomp your feet and notice the sensations moving from your feet all the way through your hips and spine. Go for a brisk walk or run. Bounce, shake or dance. Remove external stimuli – give yourself space or change of environment. The skills involved in self-regulation are necessary for achieving success in life and reaching our most important goals. These skills can also have a major impact on overall wellbeing. Self-regulation is truly an important topic for everyone to consider. However, it might be even more important for parents and educators to learn about it, since it is an important skill for children to develop.

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Rumination: How to Stop Ruminating and Obsessive Thinking

Rumination: How to Stop Ruminating and Obsessive Thinking Rumination Rumination: How to Stop Ruminating and Obsessive Thinking How many times do you catch yourself worrying about something, thinking about the worst consequences of a situation, self-deprecating, or under-estimating your potential? Quite frequently, right? When we have such negative thoughts time and again, our entire outlook towards happenings of life tilts towards negativity. But, if we push ourselves to do the opposite and think positive about ourselves, the effect can be just as powerful but far more helpful. Now, the most systematic and practical way to practice positivity is through affirmations. What is Rumination ? Rumination is when you take negative thoughts or situations and repeat them over and over again in your mind. It is obsessive thinking on the worst level and it will lead to anxiety and depression or make those conditions worse. Here are my tips on how to stop ruminating and obsessive thinking. How to stop ruminating and obsessive thinking#1 – Thought control “We can’t control our thoughts” – a true statement that was never such a lie. When I’m talking to someone who suffers from depression or anxiety, they often tell me that they can’t help it – those thoughts just come to them. I agree that we can’t always control our thoughts and sometimes anxiety or depressive thoughts seem to come out of nowhere. But I like to think of thoughts like a river. Imagine you’re standing at the bottom of a river, the water, in this case, represents your thoughts. You can’t control the water that is coming down from the river because you’re standing at the bottom of it. These are the thoughts that you can’t control, the ones that just come to you. But while you’re standing at the bottom, you can control the water that comes down to you. You can get a bucket to collect some water or you can build little barriers to control where the water goes.The goal isn’t to stop negative or rumination thoughts from happening, it’s to learn how to control and cope with them once they arrive. This is the first step in the healing process and then eventually the ruminating thoughts will lessen. #2 – Don’t Believe Your Brain Just because you think it, doesn’t make it true. Write that down. Put it somewhere that you’ll see every single day. We live in a reality that is shaped mostly by our minds and sometimes what feels real to us just doesn’t ring true for the outside world. I personally know someone who suffers from social anxiety and fears connecting with people. She’s afraid that she’s not funny enough. That she’s awkward. That she doesn’t say the right things at the right time. Without a word of a lie – I can tell you that she’s one of the funniest and wittiest people I know. Her comedic timing is excellent. She comes across as friendly and genuine within the first two minutes of talking to her. She’s amazing.But not so in her head. She fears people, she doesn’t like connecting with others and it makes her depressed and anxious. Is the reality in her head reflecting the reality in the real world? No – it’s the total opposite. If I have a conversation with her, she walks away from it thinking that she didn’t say the right things and that she was awkward. She’ll ruminate about the jokes she made or things she could have done differently. I walk away from the conversation thinking that she’s hilarious and I can’t wait to chat with her again. See how our minds are shaping the same situation in totally different ways? When you’re ruminating about negative aspects of your personality, don’t believe the thoughts. I know it sounds petty but this is the bare bones basis of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, a scientifically proven way to cure depression.Not believing your negative thoughts might sound simple, but sometimes simple is all we need. Want to get fit? Eat healthily and exercise. Want a healthy brain? Don’t believe your negative thoughts. #3- Action Stops Fear This one works for ruminating thoughts that are tied to the future. Thoughts that are based on anxiety or worrying about a future event. When we are feeling anxious, we are often fearing or dreading something that is coming up in the future. This could be a big event, a job interview or more abstract things like paying the bills, finding purpose in life etc. I know it can be hard but if you can, try to pinpoint the fear that is behind your anxious thoughts. Let’s use an easy example like an upcoming job interview.The more action you take, the less fear you will feel. Here is a list of things you could take action with to prepare for a job interview: Look up common job interview questions and practice your answers in the mirror Research the company and get to know their mission statement Think of some work-related stories that show your strengths As soon as you start doing those things, your fear and anxiety will lessen. The rumination will also lessen because your brain is focused on thinking of solutions rather than dwelling on the problem. #4 – Control Plan A great way for how to stop ruminating is to make a control plan. A control plan is a list of things that you either can or cannot control. This is a great way to get some perspective on the ruminating thoughts you might be experiencing.Let’s say you have ruminating thoughts about your body. You don’t think you look good and you wish you were prettier. Make a control plan. CAN CONTROL: Hairstyle Makeup Fashion Sense/Clothes Accessories (ie. shoes, jewelry, tattoos, piercings) Diet and Exercise CANNOT CONTROL: Facial structure Acne Height Weight After you’ve done this, you will have a list of things in the can control category – focus on those! Those are things that will get you results. You can work on those and take action. Remember, action stops fear.Notice how

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The Magic of Affirmations

The Magic of Affirmations The Magic of Affirmations How many times do you catch yourself worrying about something, thinking about the worst consequences of a situation, self-deprecating, or under-estimating your potential? Quite frequently, right? When we have such negative thoughts time and again, our entire outlook towards happenings of life tilts towards negativity. But, if we push ourselves to do the opposite and think positive about ourselves, the effect can be just as powerful but far more helpful. Now, the most systematic and practical way to practice positivity is through affirmations. What are Affirmations ? Affirmations are as easy to understand as they are to practise. At Beyond Illuzion, we believe that they are positive phrases or statements used to challenge negative or unhelpful thoughts, and nurture positive ones. Psychology Dictionary defines affirmations as brief phrases, repeated frequently, which are designed to encourage positive, happy feelings, thoughts, and attitudes. ‘I am surrounded by lovely friends and family’, ‘I am in control of my actions’, ‘I accept and love myself’, can be a few ideal examples of affirmations. You may choose to use positive affirmations to motivate yourself, calm yourself, encourage positive changes in your life, boost your self-esteem, or manifest a goal. If you frequently find yourself getting disheartened or trapped in unhealthy narratives, affirmations can be used to replace them with desirable and helpful ideas. Self-affirmations can also help manage the effects of stress. In one study, a simple affirmation exercise boosted the problem-solving abilities of chronically stressed subjects to the same level as those with much lower stress. Furthermore, according to a report, affirmations have been used to successfully heal people with low self-esteem, depression, and other mental health issues. They have also been shown to stimulate the areas in our brains that make us more likely to attract positive changes in regard to our health. In a nutshell, positivity is a power we are all blessed with, and affirmations are the means to channelize this power fruitfully. It is like a domino effect – one positive thought leads to another, one pleasant visual will lead to another, eventually making your thought process healthier and more hopeful. How to Practice Affirmations ? Practicing affirmations is extremely simple. All you need to do is pick a phrase/s and repeat it to yourself. You may repeat it in your mind, speak it out loud, write in your diary, or even draw a picture of it. But whatever you choose to do, make sure that you repeat the affirmations everyday. Our suggestion would be to include the practice in your daily routine. Assign a time slot to it, for example, after breakfast, or before going to bed. This will help you maintain a streak of affirmations which will strengthen the message for the universe. We have been using affirmations to heal and uplift our clients for years. To better understand how affirmations can work for you, or to get customized affirmations for yourself, reach out to us! On 13th of this month; your sign lord Mars will help you in family and finances; which is indicating your ascendancy in family matters. This placement of Mars is creating a strong financial source and blessing you with prosperity and affluence. Transit of Saturn on 17th January is desirable improvement in flow of recurring funds to allow you to play in a bigger level and help you to grow more. You should stay careful as it could be troublesome for you out of the blue. Post 31st of January; the intensity of the problems will minimize; for your relief. Emotional support from your near and dear ones will help you to handle the situation with more confidence. The Sun will change sign and will help you strongly to uplift your status in official and social circle. December 2022 Important numbers :  3, 5, 12 important dates : 2, 3, 9, 27, 29 Special note : The beginning of the month is the time to take on new challenge. Start implementing the plan and you will quickly advance in it. Personal development will be a priority for you. Click here

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