Benefits of Counselling
Benefits of Counselling Benefits of Counselling Life is not easy. It isn’t fair. It never was, and it’ll never be. Accepting this truth, however bitter it may sound, is extremely essential for each of us. But with everything bitter, comes a sweetener. And that’s what counselling is; life’s sweetener. Oxford defines counselling as ‘the provision of professional assistance and guidance in resolving personal or psychological problems.’ Yes, it is as simple as that. And immensely helpful. Having someone to talk with and confide in, who is there specifically to listen and help you work through issues, is invaluable. At Beyond Illuzion, we provide legitimate counselling moderated by a trained therapist who will have no judgement about you or your life experiences. An open and easygoing environment as such, makes sharing problems and insights easier and more comfortable. What we also focus on is helping you address issues that affect your life and give you the time and space you need to work things out. Another major benefit of counselling is that it lets you voice and face your thoughts and feelings rather than bottling them up inside of you, which may lead to depression, anxiety, stress and illness. Through talking, you will have the opportunity to reflect and process your feelings and thoughts practically at your own pace, whether you are dealing with a difficult emotion like anger, grief, sadness, resentment, guilt or situational problems like relationship issues, focusing issues, child-parenting issues, etc. Through counselling at Beyond Illuzion, you will gain valuable insights into your thoughts and make sense of them. You will be able to recognize and alter any irrational beliefs and change your perspective. What makes us stand out is our 13 years of experience and the wide variety of types of counselling that we offer as per the need and suitability of the situation. We provide Clinical Hypnosis, Deaf Affirmations, Thumbprint analysis, and much more in addition to regular counselling sessions. To understand our client better and to get to the root of their issues, we use several tools and tests like IQ, EQ, CQ, AQ, and psychological tests. Besides this, the expertise of our founder, Dr. Jyoti Thakkar, and her unique understanding of mental functionalities is something you can rely on with your eyes shut. She is of the view that problems are created when you get stuck in your thoughts and are not able to think beyond a certain level. And she, with her rich experience and learnings, knows exactly how to loosen this knot. Whether it is about personal issues, situational problems, relationship disputes, or career confusions, we extend the right counselling for all, may it be kids or adults. A perfect blend of astrology and psychology, Beyond Illusion lets you choose your path of rediscovery according to your beliefs and reservations. Further, taking along the principles of both these sciences, we have devised a one of its kind problem solving course called ‘Rediscover Yourself’ where we observe and analyze thought processes and apply certain fundamental rules to resolve long drawn difficulties. In a nutshell, counselling at our centre will empower you to take steps forward towards positive change and enhance the understanding of both yourself and your surroundings. On 13th of this month; your sign lord Mars will help you in family and finances; which is indicating your ascendancy in family matters. This placement of Mars is creating a strong financial source and blessing you with prosperity and affluence. Transit of Saturn on 17th January is desirable improvement in flow of recurring funds to allow you to play in a bigger level and help you to grow more. You should stay careful as it could be troublesome for you out of the blue. Post 31st of January; the intensity of the problems will minimize; for your relief. Emotional support from your near and dear ones will help you to handle the situation with more confidence. The Sun will change sign and will help you strongly to uplift your status in official and social circle. December 2022 Important numbers : 3, 5, 12 important dates : 2, 3, 9, 27, 29 Special note : The beginning of the month is the time to take on new challenge. Start implementing the plan and you will quickly advance in it. Personal development will be a priority for you.
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