A horoscope is used to provide information about the present and to predict events to come.
How Will An Astrology Reading Help You?
- Vocational or Career Advice.
- Medical procedure timing.
- Medical information.
- Business timing of product launches, start-ups, and negotiations.
- Understanding unconscious motivations driving you from past life experiences.
- Learning what drives your strengths and shortcomings.
- Learning about your vulnerable “blind spots.”
- Timing to buy a new house, move, or start a new job.
- Learning how to better get along with and understand your partner (whether a romantic or business partner).
- Learn what types of experiences might be amplified by living in a particular city.
- On 13th of this month; your sign lord Mars will help you in family and finances; which is indicating your ascendancy in family matters.
- This placement of Mars is creating a strong financial source and blessing you with prosperity and affluence.
- Transit of Saturn on 17th January is desirable improvement in flow of recurring funds to allow you to play in a bigger level and help you to grow more.
- You should stay careful as it could be troublesome for you out of the blue. Post 31st of January; the intensity of the problems will minimize; for your relief.
- Emotional support from your near and dear ones will help you to handle the situation with more confidence.
- The Sun will change sign and will help you strongly to uplift your status in official and social circle.
December 2022
Important numbers :
- 3, 5, 12
important dates :
- 2, 3, 9, 27, 29
Special note :
- The beginning of the month is the time to take on new challenge. Start implementing the plan and you will quickly advance in it. Personal development will be a priority for you.